How to verify your registration How to verify your registration

How to verify your registration

1. You can access the Identity Verification from [Profile] - [Verification, Payment & Limits].

Screenshot 2023-11-23 150931.png

2. Click [Country] on the Mongolia field.

Screenshot 2023-11-23 165053.png

3. Enter your personal information, select your country of residence, you will then see the list of verification requirements for your specific country/region. 

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4.  Next, you will need to upload pictures of your ID documents. Please choose the type of ID and the country your documents were issued. Most users can choose to verify with a passport or ID card. Please make sure that all the information entered is consistent with your ID documents.


5. After that, the system will ask you to choose your upload method. You can continue your verification by your Mobile phone / Take photo of your ID documents using webcam / Upload file from your device.


6. Follow the instructions to upload photos of your document. Your photos should clearly show the full ID document.

For example, if you are using an ID card, you have to take photos of the front and back of your ID card.



7. Follow the instructions and put your ID document in front of the camera.

Click [Start] to capture the front and back of your ID document.

Please make sure all the details are clearly visible. Click [Confirm] to proceed.


8. After that, the system will ask you to complete face verification.

Click [Continue] to finish face verification on your computer. Please do not wear hats, glasses, or use filters, and make sure that the lighting is sufficient.

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  • batchimeg batayush

    Sorry your KYC has been rejected iim mail ireed tsutsalj ahij burtguulj bolohgui bn

    batchimeg batayush
  • Bymbajugder Ayush

    Name not matching gej hariu bainga avlaa bi oor nertei bolsiin boluu gej ooriigoo bodtol hariu avlaa yaagad baingan bol nere yaaj hiih estoi ve...

    Bymbajugder Ayush
  • Enkhmanlai oyuntungalag

    Progressing гээд таг болчих юм. Хэдэн ч удаа оролдов бүү мэд хариу өгөөрэй. Баярлалаа

    Enkhmanlai oyuntungalag
  • X-Meta

    Таны хүсэлтийг шалгаж байгаа тохиолдолд Progressing төлөвтэй харагдана. Шалгаж дуустал хүлээнэ үү. Баярлалаа.

  • Bymbajugder Ayush

    Holboo barih utas bga yu utastaad lavlaad hiichehvel zuer bna

    Bymbajugder Ayush
  • ochirbat bayrsaikhan

    Porgresing gj bgaad batalgaajihku bgaad bxiin yah estoi we

    ochirbat bayrsaikhan
  • Erdenechuluun Erdenebulgan

    Batalgaajuulalt hiih gsn chn Begin verification gsn idevhjihgui bhiin yaraltai tatlt hiimeer bna zaaval batalgaajulalt hiih ymuu? tiim eniig hurdan shiideed uguuch


    Erdenechuluun Erdenebulgan